Are translated articles accepted?

No, the article should be the result of the writer's (authors') research.

Are review articles published in the journal?


What is the length of time an article passes for arbitration?

This period depends on the steps involved and the number of steps for editing it. If the article is not accepted in the first stage, the maximum response time is one week. Otherwise, the timing of the stages depends on the time of the referees' responses and the stages of the investigation and lasts a maximum of 6 months.

What are the main axes of the publication for publishing scientific works?

Islamic financial theory;
Islamic fiqh rules;
Islamic Finance Jurisprudence;
Islamic financial rights;
Islamic financing tools;
Islamic risk management tools;
Islamic Economic Instruments Economic Analysis;
Islamic financial institutions;
Islamic capital market;
Islamic banking;
Islamic insurance;
Islamic financial accounting;
Islamic bourse pricing;
Islamic Investment Funds and Companies;
Other related topics.