A Jurisprudential Study of Factoring in Equipping and Allocating Resources to Leasing Companies

Document Type : Science - Research (Islamic Financing Tools)


Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Management, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran.


Leasing companies in the world use various methods to finance and allocate resources, but in Iran these methods are less considered. One of these methods, which has different forms, is factoring. Factoring is one of the new methods in equipping and allocating resources to leasing companies. Given that the main specialty of these companies is in credit affairs, this function can help the increase of the firms’ capacity as well as their financing. Leasing companies can play a dual role. First, they can act as agents for collecting receivables from manufacturing companies. Second, given the high volume of receivables in their financial statements, they can gain more access to cash through interacting with a firm that has appropriate credit ability.  
This article, which has used a descriptive-analytical method and a jurisprudential approach, after mentioning the nature and types of factoring from different views, has explained the various methods of its application in leasing companies. The factoring process, whether the leasing company acts as an employer or factor, is a combination of different activities such as collection of claims, financing and combination of them. Here, contracts that can be used in factoring, such as buying debt, wakalah, ju'alah and ziman (guarantee) have been studied from a jurisprudential perspective. Since the mentioned contracts constitute the main structure of the factoring, and according to the jurisprudential assessment of these contracts there is no obstacle to using them, factoring is suitable for financing and allocating resources in leasing companies.


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Volume 10, Issue 1 - Serial Number 19
November 2020
Pages 269-308
  • Receive Date: 12 July 2020
  • Revise Date: 07 February 2021
  • Accept Date: 08 February 2021