A Jurisprudential-Economic Reflection on the Emb Option

Document Type : Science - Research (Islamic Financing Tools)


Researcher in the Field of Islamic Economics and Jurisprudence of Transactions, Iran.


In order to make decisions and have plans for economic affairs, it is necessary to know the related issues well. One of the sectors of the capital market that can play a significant role in making it more active in the Iranian economy is the Emb Option. It is a suitable tool for financing firms in the short and medium term while covering the price risk of stocks for buyers. In this study, by examining documentary and library data with a fundamental-applied approach, while mentioning some of the most important economic effects of market development such as price risk coverage, fluctuations range control and direct financing of companies, a jurisprudential analysis of subordinate market and subordinate sales tools have been performed. . Considering the essential difference between Emb Option bonds and option bonds, it seems that there are no economic jurisprudential challenges in the option contract. Hence, the Emb Option and bonds are considered compatible with Sharia.


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  • Receive Date: 18 September 2020
  • Accept Date: 03 November 2020