Commodity Murabahah: Appropriate Tools for Interbank Market in Islamic Banking

Document Type : Paper


1 Professor of the Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought

2 Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Education and Financial Management, Imam Sadiq University


Accordingly, this study attempts to present an effective tool based on the Securitized Commodity Murabahah and to fulfill its feasibility study.  The overall structure of the tool is such that the banks with surplus funds, at first, reallocate their resources to banks in deficit by commodity Murabahah program and then convert their demands from those banks to Securitized Commodity Murabahah, and in the end offer them in the financial markets. This study, by using descriptive method and content analysis of texts of imamia fiqh through library study, shows that Commodity Murabahah program and Securitized Commodity Murabahah have the possibility to be offered and issued in the interbank market.
Sometimes banks face a shortage of cash and need to be financed through banking operations. Due to adverse effects of banks' overdrafts from the Central Bank on the national economy, it seems that interbank market is an appropriate tool for financing this type of liquidity. Providing liquidity for banks by interbank market needs efficient instruments which are also in accordance with Shariah in the market. However, the prevailing monetary instruments used in conventional interbank market are interest-based tools and aren’t useable in interbank market in the non-riba banking.


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Volume 3, Issue 1 - Serial Number 5
November 2013
Pages 101-120
  • Receive Date: 09 October 2013
  • Accept Date: 15 September 2014