Identifying Causality of Dholm in Prohibition of Riba in Production and Consumption Loans

Document Type : Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Theology, Razi University of Kermanshah

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Finance, Faculty of Islamic Sciences and Management, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran


Since old times, searching the causes of shariah rulings in Islamic resources has been one of the common methods in ijtihad so they could be able to generalize the ruling from one topic to another. Riba has been one of the most important challenges in Islamic economy that has been taken into consideration especially in the recent century following the arrival of capitalism. One of the newest interpretations for solving this challenge in Islamic banking system is the theory of "assigning riba to returns on consumption loans". In fact, some Islamic scholars have separated production loans from consumption ones. They believe that getting interest in consumption loans is prohibited according to shariah, but in production loans it is allowed. They discuss and reason that getting interest in production loans doesn't lead to dholm and therefore, there is nothing wrong with it. But in consumption loans, getting interest involves dholm and is prohibited.
The result is that dholm cannot be the exclusive cause of prohibition of riba and the latter's banning doesn't depend on dholm. Thus, there isn't any difference between consumption and production loans as far as riba prohibition is concerned.
This research surveys the causality of dholm in prohibition of riba in production and consumption loans with descriptive-analytic methodology.


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  • Receive Date: 24 February 2015
  • Revise Date: 11 September 2015
  • Accept Date: 11 September 2015