The Establishment of Small Cooperative Insurance Firms: Manifestation of Islamic Method to Remove Dispossession in Iran's Insurance Market

Document Type : Paper


PhD in Economics, Imam Sadegh University


A central element in financial system of each country is its insurance market. In fact, due to the important function of insurance and its remarkable role in the life of individuals in our Islamic community, the thing which is considered as the most significant duties of authorities in the Islamic government is the attempt to satisfy the aims of Islam religion, among which are to remove poverty and also to improve the welfare status of the poor in the community, making use of insurance instruments.
Through combining cooperative mechanisms (which are in agreement with Islamic teachings) with insurance mechanisms for the presentation of small insurance products, the study wants to present a strategy the operationalization of which will certainly have a deserving role to provide insurance coverage for the low-paid individuals (those who are not normally able to purchase insurance products) in the community, and consequently to increase the welfare status of the dispossessed in the community. This will definitely affect the country's insurance market to be more compatible with the spirit of Islamic teachings.


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Volume 1, Issue 1 - Serial Number 1
November 2011
Pages 173-193
  • Receive Date: 17 September 2011
  • Revise Date: 12 August 2011
  • Accept Date: 13 December 2011