The Effects of Resistance Economy Policies on the Capital Market with AHP Method

Document Type : Paper


1 Mofid University faculty member

2 Ph.D. Student of Economics, University Research Institute

3 Graduated from Islamic Economics, Mofid University


In the framework of resistance economy, economic support policies, independence, solidity, complying with local and cultural standards and economic flexibility should be taken into account. As a result, there will be an interaction among different economic sectors based on identifying the internal and external pressures and shocks. Money market together with capital and insurance markets play an important role in financing domestic economy. With regard to the imposed sanctions and the lack of liquidity in the country, robustness of capital market will certainly lead to a robust economy. Among the main tasks of the capital market in the Islamic financial system of the country are suitable allocation of financial resources, reduction in the cost of transactions, acceleration of transactions, increase of the liquidity of assets, facilitating the financing of businesses, fair valuation of business assets based on the supply and demand mechanism, transparency of information and monitoring the performance of businesses. With regard to the difficulties in financing various economic sectors in the country and the direct relation of the capital market with some sections of Resistance Economy Policies and the role of this market in directing limited but efficient capitals to the productive sectors, and facilitating the process of transferring capital to these sectors, this research by adopting a descriptive/ analytical method using questionnaire data together with AHP method using the resistance economy indicators has confirmed its hypothesis, i.e. “The capital market can positively and effectively play a role in realizing the objectives of resistance economy.


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Volume 7, Issue 1 - Serial Number 13
November 2017
Pages 57-90
  • Receive Date: 17 April 2017
  • Revise Date: 18 April 2017
  • Accept Date: 19 September 2017