Prioritizing the Factors Affecting Implementation of General Policies of Resistance Economy in Iranian Banking System by Fuzzy TOPSIS Method

Document Type : Paper


1 Senior Researcher, Monetary and Banking Research Institute, CBI

2 Assistant Professor of Monetary and Banking Research Institute of the Central Bank


With the formal notification of "Resistance Economy General Policies", there are now fresh incentives for the conversion of Iranian economy into one based on knowledge, technology and justice, and one which will be more dynamic, showing both endogenous and exogenous growth. This could, in its turn, be presented as an Islamic economic model.
Banking system has a unique role in financing economic activities and allocating financial resources. As one of the main pillars of the financial system in Iran, it can also significantly contribute to realizing and implementing these general policies. This survey, after explanation of the term, diagnoses and ranks the effective factors on the implementation of "Resistance Economy General Policies" in the Banking System. We have benefitted from the related literature and interviews with experts to diagnose these effective factors and rank them by fuzzy TOPSIS method as one of Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods. The conclusion shows the transparency and health of the banking system, customer validation system and low delayed payments in the banking system to be among the most important factors in implementing the Resistance Economy policies.


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Volume 5, Issue 1 - Serial Number 9
November 2015
Pages 89-118
  • Receive Date: 09 December 2015
  • Revise Date: 10 December 2015
  • Accept Date: 01 March 2016