Bank Securities (Stocks); Changing Banking Facilities into Securities in Non-usurious Banking

Document Type : Paper


1 Professor of the Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought

2 Master of Financial Management


One of the most common methods of financing to which banks repeatedly resort nowadays is, in addition to planning different kinds of bank deposits, to distribute securities supported by bank facilities. The application of such tools is highly experienced in the current banking. In fact, enjoying such instruments, banks have the intention to renew their resources in their attempt to enhance their power of granting credit facilities. However, such tools are not highly common in Islamic banks, including the ones across Iran.
After the law of stock market was ratified in 1384 and 1388, legal grounds necessary to plan and distribute different kinds of new securities were provided. Now Iranian banks are also able to finance through capital market with the help of planning and distribution of new financial tools, especially via changing of bestowed facilities into securities.
The present study is seeking to introduce such tools in three sections. In the first section, taking a glance look at the history of changing bank assets into securities in conventional banking and Islamic banks, the research will clarify the goals, performance and pathology of changing bank assts into securities. The second section deals with designing suitable financial instruments for the changing of bank assets into securities in Iran banking system. It will also be explained that such tools should have the following characteristics: first, they should be acceptable by jurisprudential standpoint; second, they should be consistent with monetary and financial laws and rules of Iran; third, regarding the role of such tools in the occurrence of current financial crisis, they should not be crisis-making. In the last section, the study will try to examine possible risks of the designed instruments and the ways to manage them.


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Volume 1, Issue 1 - Serial Number 1
November 2011
Pages 117-150
  • Receive Date: 30 August 2011
  • Revise Date: 12 November 2011
  • Accept Date: 20 January 2012